Thursday, March 31, 2011

Weight loss buddy

One of the things that helped me the most with my weight loss was having a weight loss buddy. My friend and I were rotating in the same lab when we decided we both needed to lose weight. We were able to encourage each other, give each other advice based on our experiences, and hold each other accountable. It is really easy to lie to yourself but it is a lot harder to lie to your friend. We are no longer in the same lab, but we still try to get together once a week to talk about how things are going. It is someone that knows what I am going to and can relate to the really hard parts of weight loss. She also motivated me to do something I never thought I ever would have been able to do. I trained for and ran a 5K in 41 minutes October 16.

It is also very good to talk to all the people in your life and let them know that you are trying to watch what you eat and lose weight. This is especially important with the people that enable your eating habits. If you and your girlfriends go out once a week and eat a lot of really bad food, you need to make sure that they know that that is not something you can keep doing. Having stable support systems in your life will go a long way in helping you to reach your weight loss goal.

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